At TaxSlayer, we are 100% committed to keeping your personal data secure. For this reason, we have implemented several safeguards and policies to ensure your sensitive information remains protected from unauthorized access.
If you are a registered user of TaxSlayer and you receive a larger refund or pay a smaller tax due amount using another tax preparation software product, we’ll refund the applicable purchase price you paid to TaxSlayer.
Ramsey SmartTax Federal Classic for Active-Duty Military
Active-duty military personnel get simple and secure federal e-filing including all major IRS forms, deductions and credits, and unlimited phone and email support for $0. Plus, we’ll even assist with any IRS inquiries up to a year after your return is accepted.
Here's how it works:
Create your free account (or log back in if you already have one).
Enter your military W-2, verify your active-duty status, and your discount will be applied.
If you need a little extra support with your return, upgrading to Federal Premium is only $20. Need to file a state return, too? Ramsey SmartTax’s state returns are only $39.95.
Now, get out there, champ. Go file your taxes with confidence and the best discount ever. Also, thank you for your service . . . maybe we should've led with that.